Domain expertise, nearly a decade’s experience, state of the art technical ability, resident legal team for in-house counsel, seasoned workforce, customized solutions, emphasis on operational security and a zero-compromise attitude towards your specific objective with a primary focus on IMPACT and TRANSFORMATION is what we offer along with our commitment to consistent results.

Our actions are measurable, giving you a start-to-finish assessment and interpretation of key indicators – including impressions, shares, views, clicks, and time spent on the page.

Our media connections, command over social media tactics, and controlled content ability are our edge over any other consultancy firm in the industry. While we use digital marketing tools, we are not just a Digital Marketing agency. Perception alteration is a comprehensive phenomenon that amalgamates technology, psychology, legal knowledge, business analysis, sentiment evaluation and risk management abilities.

We adapt and evolve. Things don’t always go according to plan. We may realise halfway through that a calculation was off, a theory was not fitting well, or a target audience is not responding as expected. We are quick to acknowledge a wrong turn and make course corrections.

We track reviews and comments, both good and bad, that individuals and companies receive on online platforms, both owned and third-party, app stores, customer complaint forums, and sites like Quora. We make content strategies to neutralise the negativity and rebuild. 

Consumers don’t just engage in complaints and queries, they are also interacting more frequently with brands for understanding purposes. We put greater emphasis on personalised responses and interactions that are fun, yet structured and objective-driven.

Most importantly, though, we like keeping our client partners updated every step of the way. Besides weekly reports and updates, we dynamically engage in future strategies, learning from mistakes and generally staying on the same page.

Want to get more info?

We are a consulting organization with a deep understanding of operations and its relation to internet presence, media dynamics, and perception management.

Contact us
141 Avtar enclave , First floor, Paschim vihar New Delhi -110063

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